For decades Colt's ads have been used as the data for loading the Colt reproductions without realizing that these ads were printed at different times for different revolvers. The most often used ad was printed prior to the 1860 New Army revolver production and were for the "Old Army Model Holster Pistol" which was the Dragoon, the 1851 Navy, the 1855 Roots and the prior Pocket revolvers. And the London Colt Pamphlet also gives loading directions, etc. for the Dragoon, the Root, Navy and Pocket Pistols.
On Page 1 of the London Colt broadsheet we see actual load sizes given in drach'm, the British unit of volume. The maximum loads given are:
Colt also states that it will be safe to use all the powder the chambers will hold, leaving room for the ball, which is a minie ball, and not a round ball as most of us use, while at the same time, giving exact powder loads per model.
These broadsheets were printed between 1851 and 1855 based on the dates given in the text. Notice the one printed in January of 1855 as is indicated on the pamphlet's second page. These broadsheets are from "A History of the Colt Revolver" by by Chartles T. Haven & Frank A. Belden published in 1940.
"A History of the Colt Revolver" by by Chartles T. Haven & Frank A. Belden published in 1940.
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