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“1 of 100 Test Guns”

Roy L. Oak • January 17, 2024

“Stokes Kirk” parts and the percussion reproduction revolver industry!

1 of 100 Test Guns

The theory goes something like this:

When Colt was attempting to sell his Late Third Model '51 Navy to the U. S. Army, he tried to convince the powers that be of one most important feature that his gun possessed - interchangeability of parts. We must admit that during that era this particular point was very important. Although Colt was a top salesman of his day, he apparently ran into considerable difficulty in proving - by words alone - this point that, to him, was so important. He finally decided that he would substitute deeds for words in one final effort to get his point across. The proposition that he made to the Ordnance Department of the U. S. Army went something like this:

"To prove my point of interchangeability of parts on my Navy Model, I shall be glad to furnish the Ordnance Department with 100 of my Navies, if you will submit them to two tests. Just so there will be no mistakes - or shenanigans - in identifying these guns and their original parts during the tests, I shall take the 100 Navy Models and number them consecutively 1 through 100. These 100 Navies will be delivered to you with all serial numbers matching on each gun.

After you have inspected them and marked them in the usual manner, I request that you test fire these 100 Na vies in any manner that you wish, and this will constitute the first test. When this first test has been made, I request that each gun then be completely disassembled and all parts be thrown into a barrel - so to speak- where they will then be thoroughly mixed. The 100 Navies are then to be reassembled, with no attention being paid to the serial number on each part, or any attempt made to reassemble the guns to their original state, that is, with all serial numbers matching. The second test that I request is that the reassembled guns then be test fired just as when they were in their original state. You will find in this second test that these 100 guns will perform just as perfectly as they did in the original state. This, gentlemen, will prove to you my interchangeability of parts theory, which will certainly save you money on repairs, for when a gun is damaged in some way, those parts that were not damaged can be salvaged for replacement parts for guns that are damaged in the future."

The story goes on further that the two tests were performed, the tests were successful as Colt had said they would be, and the U. S. Army began purchasing Colt's Late Third Model '51 Navies. Because of this theory, these '51 Navies are sometime referred to as "1 of 100 Test Guns". The fact that this story is so typical of a sales stunt that Colt would pull to prove his point, plus the fact that the martial markings, the low-numbered mismatched serial numbers, and the excellent condition of the guns (supposedly, they were used only in the two tests) tends to lend credence to this theory. Believing this theory, the Author (Nathan Swayze) purchased his gun and was happy in the thought that while some Winchester collectors owned a "l of 1000" in their field of collecting, he now owned a "1 of 100" in the '51 Navy field.

1 of 100 Test Guns

Here are the physical characteristics and the martial markings of the "low number mismatch" (which the Author now prefers as a designation of this gun in lieu of the title "1 of 100".

Physical Characteristics: (Late Third Model)

1. Brass back strap.
2. Small rounded brass trigger guard.
3. Beveled loading slot in barrel lug.
4. Loading lever rammer screw enters from
left (same) side.
5. Late New York barrel address (Address Col SamL Colt New-York U.S. America).

Close up view of barrel and lug

Serial Numbers:

Barrel - Serial number 45 (see Plate 54)
Frame - serial number 52 (see Plate 54)
Trigger Guard - None (see Plate 54)
Cylinder - Serial number 80 (see Plate 52)
Loading Lever - Serial number 22
Back Strap - Serial number 79 (see Plate 53)
Cylinder Pin - Serial number 52

Grip Butt

Martial Markings:

1. Small "U.S." on frame under Colt Patent stamping.
2. The single initial "K" is stamped on the
butt of the wood grips. (See Plate 53)
3. The single initial "K" is stamped on the top broad flat portion of the brass back strap.
4. No initial is stamped on the brass trigger guard.
5. The single initials "T" and "K" are stamped on the cylinder, and the "star" or "asterisk" is stamped on the muzzle end of the cylinder.
6. The initial "T" is stamped on the right barrel housing. (See Plate 52)
7. There are no Inspector's or Sub-Inspector's initials stamped on each side of the wood grips.

As shown above, the single initials that are stamped on the various parts are "T" and "K". In the first section of this chapter - Navy-Armies - the single initials found as a result of the survey were given. It is interesting to note that although the single initial. "T" did not appear, the single initial "K" did appear, and this seems to further justify the title "U. S. Martial". You will note that the trigger guard has neither a serial number or a single inspector's initial; however, this is an original small rounded brass trigger guard. On the gun itself, practically all of the bright blue remains on the barrel, and all of the blue (which has begun to turn brown) remains on the cylinder. The case hardening on the frame is excellent, and the case hardening on the loading lever is good. The cylinder engraving is perfect, and all of the cylinder pins are intact. There is no plating on the brass back strap or the brass trigger guard; however, this lack of silver plating seems to be standard on all Navy-Armies. From this description, it is easy to see that this '51 Navy has seen little or no use.

A short while after acquisition of the "low number mismatch" the subconscious mind of the Author (Nathan Swayze) kept saying "There's something wrong somewhere!" After making several casual checks -and this disconcerting thought continuing-the decision was made to thoroughly check the gun. It was completely disassembled, the bright light was adjusted, and the various strength magnifying glasses were laid in order. This nagging doubt would be settled one way or the other -even if it took all night! At random, the first part was picked up, and the first feature checked stood out like a sore thumb -this '51 Navy couldn't possibly have been a U. S. Army test gun! Right then and there, the Author disgustedly rejected the "1 of 100 Test Guns" theory that he had previously heard. It was also ridiculous that this one point had not been noticed before, but in doing research on a particular model antique gun, one frequently gets to the point where he "cannot see the trees for the forest". Also, at that time, the master 25 columnar format sheets had not been made. If this had been done -with the 25 features on each gun being arranged in chronological serial number order -the oversight would have been caught at once. At this point, the reader is probably wondering what the one feature is that caused the Author to reject the "1 of 100 Test Guns" theory -at least, on the Author's (Nathan Swayze) gun.

If you are an astute Colt student and have memorized the various physical characteristics and markings - along with the various serial number ranges - as previously described (which nobody ever does!), you will have already caught the answer. In case you haven't, the answer lies in (5) under the Physical Characteristics just given on this "low number mismatch" - Late New York barrel address! The barrel addresses found on the Navy-Armies U. S. Martials are the Early New York address and the Hartford address. The serial number range given for the Navy-Armies is 42000/80000, and the Late New York barrel address did not come into being until serial number range 101000. Therefore, the barrel of the Author's "low number mismatch" was stamped approximately 21000 guns after Colt had furnished the U. S. Army with the last of his '51 Navy models!

So, what is the real answer to the "low number mismatch"? The Author (Nathan Swayze) can't give a definite answer to this question -but he can advance a theory that he believes might be the answer. But first, are these guns original? The Author (Nathan Swayze) has had several responsible collectors and dealers check his specimen, and they are all of the same opinion. The parts, as well as the blue and case-hardening, are original. The martial markings are also original; so what can "they" be? The search began, and after several possible answers -which were immediately discarded -one theory emerged that might be the answer.

It is known that when Colt furnished his '51 Navies to the U. S. Army, he also furnished spare parts to the Ordnance Department. The spare parts were inspected and stamped, and this would account for the inspector's one initial on the various parts. The lack of Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors initials stamped on each side of the wood grips can be explained by the fact that since they were spare parts originally, they were never assembled into complete guns for testing, and, since the Inspector and Sub-Inspector stamping was probably the "end of the line" where inspection is concerned, it is only natural to assume that these two particular stampings would not appear.

On spare parts which Colt furnished from the Hartford factory, the Ordnance Department apparently used a numerical system to identify the various spare parts in the parts bins for various makes and models of the guns being used by the U. S. Army. This would account for the low serial numbers (which are actually not serial numbers, but probably parts numbers) that appear on these guns. It is also logical to assume that Colt did not furnish these extra parts in the "white" (for they would probably rust immediately); so the parts were blued and case hardened prior to delivery to the Ordnance · Department. This will account for the original blue and case hardening. Since they were spare parts and never used, this would account for the excellent condition of the guns.

It was during the Civil War that the first contract for Colt Revolvers specified interchangeability of parts; however, this contract was applicable to Colt's Model 1860 Army - and not his '51 Navy. The theory of "1 of 100" test guns could possibly have come about as a result of the interchangeability of parts portion of the contract of Colt's Model 1860 Army, combined with the low mismatched serial numbers on a few '51 Navies.

It is known that during World War II, an Eastern gun and parts dealer located an Arsenal supply of Original Colt percussion parts, and he bought them. These parts were apparently sold, and some of them were used to assemble complete guns, and these were sold to collectors.[1]
It is also known that after the introduction of the Colt Peacemaker in 1873, Colt sold its inventory of martial Colt Navy 1851 (fourth model) parts to various surplus dealers. In the 1940s, the surplus house of W. Stokes Kirk of Philadelphia assembled and numbered 120 of these “Stokes Kirk” Colt 1851 Navies. A W. Stokes Kirk Revolver labeled as #16 last appeared at auction in 2008. Colt manufactured over 130,000 Fourth Model 1851s. Many are still in existence. There were only 120 W. Stokes Kirks revolvers made. Below is a list of the Serial numbered revolvers known at the time of printing.[2]

Serial #18 built from the W, Stokes Kirk parts and the list of serial numbers found to date.

It is these parts, the parts located after WW II and the “Stokes Kirk” parts that take us on the next leg of our journey, the beginning of the percussion reproduction revolver industry with “The Gun That Started It All”!


[1] Nathan L. Swayze, ’51 Colt Navies, Yazoo City, MS, 1967

[2] R. L. Sutherland and R. L. Wilson, The Book of Colt Firearms, Kansas City, MO 1971

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