R.G. PIONEER ARMS was founded by Renato Gamba, an Italian gunsmith who distributed weapons manufactured by Uberti under his brand "RG" PIONEER ARMS since circa 1970. It is not to be confused with RG Industries of Germany, the maker of the "Saturday Night Specials" of the 1960's.
Renato Gamba came from a long line of Italian gunmakers dating back to 1748. The Gamba family were noted for their magnificent shotguns and Renato Gamba carried that tradition on as a manufacturer and distributor, distributing for Uberti in Europe. His distributed revolvers have founsd their way over to the United States and are now a collectors item. Renato Gamba has used the names of Societa Armi Bresciane, SRL; Pioneer Arms; Armi Renato Gamba, SPA and Bremec, SRL. over the years. No longer distributing revolvers, today, the Renato Gamba company is in operation with Enrico Gamba still manufacturing shotguns in Italy.
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