FIE, Firearms Import & Export, imported revolvers made by Esterina Riva, the PR logo, and Giacosa Luciano, GLB. F.I.E dates back to the days of EIG. Guns marked EIG were replica black powder revolvers made by several manufacturers in Italy and imported by a man named Saul Eig of Miami, Florida. Thus, "EIG. EIG imported inexpensive handguns, cutlery and other items.
EIG marked guns were imported from the late 1950's to the late 1960's. Due to the Gun Control Act of 1968, Eig's company went through several changes in the operation of their company and eventually became known as F.I.E, standing for Firearms Import and Export Corporation around 1971.
After the disappearance of EIG, Giacosa Luciano continued to supply his successor, FIE (Firearms Import & Export), until 1971, then gave way to Esterina Riva, the PR logo.
With the arrival of FIE on the market, at least four other models of replicas of handguns appeared, all historically incorrect, but cheap to produce and therefore to sell to American shooters. Firearms Import and Export Corp. (FIE) filed for bankruptcy in November of 1990. All models were discontinued.
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