1971 marks the date of the beginning of the manufacture of the Colt 2nd Generation Black Powder Reproductions, known as the “Authentic Colt Black Powder Series” made by Colt’s Manufacturing. In 1971, due to the success of the SAA "2nd Generation" revolvers, Colt was persuaded to re-introduce its Percussion Colt Revolvers again, making use of the machinery that had made certain parts of the SAA. And the 2nd Generation "C" Series was born.
The production of the Colt 2nd Generation Black Powder reproductions took place in three stages. Initially, Colt Industries tested the waters with Val Forgett's help to build their first "C" Series 1851 Navy reproductions in the 1971-1973 time frame, which had included the now very collectible Grant and Lee Navy sets. These revolvers had the barrels, cylinders, and backstraps rough cast in Italy, but were finished off at Colt's facilities in Hartford, CT. where Forgett had the frames, the center pins, nipples, all of the screws, and springs made and built for every "C" Series gun at Colt Manufacturing. Each 2nd Generation part was meticulously tracked and quality inspected at the Colt factory.
However, in late 1973, Colt Manufacturing Co. decided to seek a new supplier of components, and Lou Imperato, Colt's largest distributor at the time, was chosen to take over production for Colt's "F" Series of black powder revolvers..
For a complete concise history of these revolvers refer to the linked article.
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